Local News

RMC Auxiliary Hosting Fall Luncheon in November

The Regional Medical Center Auxiliary will be hosting their annual fall luncheon next month.

The RMC Auxiliary is a dedicated group of individuals in our community that help promote wellness and serve as a link between the hospital and community. Auxiliary volunteers conduct many fundraising projects to help raise money for the hospital. They also provide annual scholarships to area students pursuing their education in a human medical field.

Regional Medical Center says the upcoming Auxiliary Fall Luncheon is a time to come together to celebrate all the Auxiliary does, enjoy great conversations, and a delicious meal. “FALL in Love with Quilting” will be the featured entertainment by Leanne Fangman with The Quiltmaker’s Shoppe.

For $15 per person, enjoy a wonderful meal catered by J&D Mart. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 15th at noon at The Gathering Place in Manchester. RSVP by end of the October to Valerie Lindsay at [email protected] or 927-7534.

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