Local News

Manchester City Council Discuss Comelec, Shelly Park Hurdle

The Manchester City Council met last night, adopting a resolution to approve the maximum property tax levies for next fiscal year. No one spoke for or against it during the public hearing. 

Manchester’s Shelly Park redevelopment project is running into a hurdle regarding miscommunication with the language of the grant. With the project on a tight timeline to complete the majority of work by May 29th in order to receive the $324,000 grant, the Council is hoping to resolve the issue soon – or they may need to revisit the park project’s plans.

And the City Council also heard from Comelec, who is interested in offering the Manchester community fiber optic internet. The City says they’ve heard of connectivity and quality issues involving current providers. Once Comelec is able to figure out right of way and easements, they could start installing within the next couple months. Their goal would be to start with one neighborhood and then cover the entire town within three years. The initial phase would encompass the area of Manchester from Prospect Street to Fayette Street and Wayne Street to Anderson Street (map below). Comelec has done similar projects in Dyersville, Farley and Epworth.

To find out more about last night’s City Council meeting, check out City Manager Tim Vick’s interview at kmch.com.

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