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Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Raising Money to Add K-9

The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office is raising money to add a K-9 to their department.

Deputy Austin Zuercher says the Manchester Police Department has had one for several years and now they’d like to expand that program to the County.

He says they’re hoping to get the K-9 yet this year.

Deputy Zuercher says he would be the K-9 handler – it’s something that’s always been his dream.

Donations are being accepted to help pay for the K-9. Zuercher says the community has been very supportive so far.

If you’d like to donate to the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office K-9 program, you can reach out to the Sheriff’s Office at 927-3135 or contact Deputy Zuercher at You can also mail or drop off your donation at the Sheriff’s Office at 1225 West Howard Street in Manchester.


photo courtesy of Delaware County Sheriff’s Office

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