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Manchester Chamber Hosting 36th Annual Window Walk

The Manchester Chamber’s Window Walk is tonight.

The annual event brings together the community downtown for a festive night of holiday fun, including a Static Christmas Parade – with floats lit up and sitting along East Main Street. This is the 36th year for the Window Walk.

Chamber Director Dave Wakefield says this year’s theme is Candyland, with downtown businesses and floats encouraged to decorate with that theme in mind.

Along with the barrel rides, you’ll also notice a couple other new features at tonight’s Manchester Window Walk:

Sherman’s Pumpkin Farm is hosting a Jolly Hayride, picking up at the corner of Fayette and Madison Streets. Donations will be taken for the hayride, which will go to the West Delaware Post Prom Committee.

The Holly Jolly Market will be open tonight in the former Widner Drug store building downtown, with shopping opportunities from a number of vendors. 

The Static Christmas Parade will have around a dozen floats parked along East Main Street. Along with voting for your favorite with your spare dollars and change, there will also be a chance for kids to win prizes. Kids can pick up a form at any of the floats and then check in at each float to collect a sticker – at the end of the night, they can turn in their completed form during the tree lighting at the Whitewater Park and receive a prize.

The tree lighting is also something new this year. Manchester is getting a community Christmas tree – thanks to the new Manchester Vitality Endowment group – with a tree lighting ceremony at 7:30 pm at the Whitewater Park. Everyone is welcome to stay around for the inaugural event.

Tonight’s Manchester Window Walk will run from 5:30 to 7 pm. Here is a look at the various attractions for tonight:


photos courtesy of Janelle Tucker/KMCH

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