
Ag Informer – Transitioning YOUR Farm

Transitioning a farm to the next generation is one of the biggest challenges that farm owners and beginning farmers will face. The decisions made can affect families, finances and rural communities for decades into the future.

That’s why Iowa State University’s Farm Transitions Conference, slated for Feb. 9-10 in Ames, will bring together experts and experienced landowners from a wide range of backgrounds with the goal of improving the farm transition process.

Bankers, attorneys, tax professionals, mediators and family farmers will all be part of this year’s event, to be held at the Gateway Hotel. Attendees will hear from professionals who deal with all parts of farm transitions – those looking to exit farming, those looking to enter or expand, and those who simply want to review their existing succession plans to ensure they are current.

The conference is being held at a time when farmland values are at historic highs, followed by high commodity prices and a period of rising interest rates. The average acre of Iowa farmland increased 17% this past year, to $11,411, according to the annual land value survey conducted by Iowa State.

Registration Details

In-person attendees will have networking opportunities, including an optional tour of Jack Trice Stadium (limited to 50). Both in-person and online attendees can interact with speakers and ask questions. All attendees will receive a free Farm Transitions workbook.

In-person registration is $175 per person and webinar-only registration is $150. Participants can choose and register online.

Groups of two or more can use code GROUP50 to receive $50 off each in-person registration. (Does not apply to student registration).

University or college students can register in-person or online for $100. To apply for student scholarships, contact Tovar Jensen at [email protected]

The Gateway Hotel & Conference Center is located at 2100 Green Hills Drive, Ames, IA 50014. A room rate of $114 has been reserved. Reserve your room online or call 515-292-8600.

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